... a journey from the heart

My Singing Journey


I've been taking piano lessons too for over a year now. It was September 2018 to be exact. I am very thankful for having such a wonderful teacher, a great composer. Long story short, He is not charging me as long as I practice.  You could imagine the amount of time I put in my practice every week.  Sometimes I got stuck with an overload of works and couldn't make time to practice.  But when I can, I just keep practicing and practicing my piano. 

Life is about being fair.  Can't take people and things for granted.  I bring dinner with my husband every week to go with my piano lessons. Sometimes my husband would cook a wonderful home-cooked meal. Sometimes I will buy something delicious for dinner.  

After dinner, I will sit at the piano and show what I have been practicing on.  My wonderful piano teacher would then, based on my progress, add more or less to my homework for the week.  

At first, no matter what, I couldn't sound right at his piano. I couldn't understand.  I did really went home.  I took a picture of my keyboard at home to show him. He took one look at it and said, "You got a kiddie keyboard." No wonder! I have small hands. I always like small things.  My keyboard was no different.  But it is too small if I want to really want to learn the piano for real.

So one day I took a deep breath and ask my teacher if he would go shopping with me and my husband to pick a good piano for me.  So we did. I now have a wonderful Roland!!  Love it!

And suddenly, my practice was getting better. The weekly showcase of my progress was also getting better.

Now, I'm studying this piece from Bach.  I love it.  Interestingly, every time my fingers hit the right key correctly, all of a sudden, my breathing was a big relief! Amazing!  Totally amazed by what music can do to give such peace.

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