... a journey from the heart

My Singing Journey

I Cantor Salmo 144 Alabare Tu Nombre

I was so excited when I was asked by our Spanish choir dirctor to cantor this special Psalm in Spanish. Enjoy.

I found the original article I wrote on Tue, 10/14/2014 - 11:02am. See below.

I Did It! I Finally Got the Chance to Cantor Again and Did it!!

This is my first time singing on the platform. at first, I was not sure how it would sound. Should I sing it a little louder, little softer, step back a little, or stand forward a little. But then I said to myself, leave it to the one who controls the soundboard. Yes, normally, people do sound check. We didn't do this one. Not a normal practice in choir I guess.

Anyhow, the first four words, I was feeling the sounds up there in that dome. After I heard how it sounded, I controlled it. But then, I got caught in couple of Spanish accent. But I controlled that too. By the way, I don't speak Spanish, but have been singing for 15 years in Spanish choirs. and 20 years in multiple English choirs. In this Spanish choir, three years.

This church is pretty big, much bigger than the last one that I cantor for 3 1/2 years before I stayed in this church.

It sounded pretty good. Had a few moments I can improved upon, but overall, I'm thankful.


Psalmo 144: Alabare Tu Nombre (sorry, the keyboard doesn't do accent over letters. There should be an accent over the letter "u" in Tu.) I Wil Praise Your Name Forever.

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